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Youth Violence Prevention Consulting


Youth Violence Prevention is one of the MOST important factors that we all can agree has to be in order for our youth to start thriving. Preventing youth violence is a very difficult task, but dealing with issues that we are fully aware of before those issues lead to violence has been mismanaged for decades leading to an unprecedented rise in youth violence.

From the streets to schools to juvenile facilities, Royal's Youth Violence Prevention Consulting has had a major impact on stopping disputes, bringing peaceful solutions between individuals and groups, destroying the school-to-prison pipeline, and OVERALL saving the lives of our youth.

Over the years I've noticed that when the majority of our youth have a conflict with individuals their age

85% of the time they wish that someone could step in and mediate the situation before it leads to violence.

As advocates for the youth, it is our job to be on point about any and all disputes (verbal or physical) between 

them and for us be able to intervene and dissolve the conflict then turn it into a peaceful situation between the two parties. Off the record we have stopped countless beefs/conflicts and saved numerous lives with our method of conflict resolution that will benefit any institution or facility. 


We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities

to provide our services and also train staff members on alternative ways to deal with any youth conflict within your institution.

Let's connect!


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