Founded in 2013, R.O.Y.A.L. Mentoring Group began as an assembly of a few individuals who all banned together to help curb gang violence in an unpublicized fashion. We connected dots with different groups/gangs/individuals who were at odds and would find peaceful solutions to end the method of using violence to settle disputes.On top of stopping violence, we believe young minds centered on becoming legit business owners will redirect them to be more focused on a trade than being in the streets risking their freedom or lives. Coming from the same background as the majority of the young individuals we work with, R.O.Y.A.L. has been able to identify and create strong bonds with our at risk youth. Mentoring in public schools and juvenile facilities has allowed us to expand our reach to our youth on all levels. R.O.Y.A.L. is committed to destroying the school to prison pipeline that has been filtering young adults at an alarming rate.